Metal Clay Supplies Australia

Metal Clay

We supply a large range of metal clay supplies across Australia and New Zealand. The amazing art of metal clay has grown in leaps and bounds with new innovative metal clay products being release each year.

Metal clay products like Art Clay Silver and PMC have empowered creative crafters and jewellery designers to create beautiful jewellery once the sole bastion of metal smiths and professional jewelers. Now part time and professional artisans can create amazing jewellery pieces spawning a whole new generation for small home based jewellery designers and jewellery sellers. A report from Etsy the global e-commerce worldwide craft online store says that jewellery store and sale are the most profitable.

We supply metal clays and the jewellery supplies, findings and jewellery making tools used but metal clay crafters, artist and designers. Browse our online store now or visit one of the featured store links in Australian or your local town.